

Creating a circle

Planning it out

Go to ‣, create a new circle, and select “circle creation template” when you have a blank screen. This template will provide the scaffolding you’ll need in the circle creation proposal.


Once you’ve got the backbone of your circle created and the funding clarified, you can share it with the wider dMeter audience as a proposal in our Wonderverse governance tool.

We’ll vote on it


Once we vote to pass your circle, add yourself to the core stewards circle in coordinape, and get admin privileges to create a circle in coordinape to use for your compensation.

you’ll also want to create an official discord channel for your circle in the circles group.

As a circle, you’ll have free reign to experiment with different compensation schemes in coordinape.

As steward, you’ll now have the responsibility to report on your progress monthly in the treasury meeting, and bi-weekly in town hall so the rest of dMeter knows what you’re up to and can support when you need it.