High Level Strategy


Work Center

Information & Docs

Meeting Notes & Agendas

Onboarding + Key Processes

Current Work

Circles are the organizing fabric of how dMeter gets work done. Inspired by the Sociocracy model, circles collaborate in a horizontal way to reach our shared goals.


Events and Meetings

**Add dMeter’s Google Event Calendar Here**

Key Meetings

All Meetings are held at our town hall channel

Join Town Hall Here

All times are in MST - you can use this Time Zone Converter to see when the meeting is in your time.

Tuesday 1pm MST- DeSci Meeting. We use this meeting to focus on the intersection of Desci and dMRV, making progress on research papers that need to be completed, and exploring collaborations between dMeter and Desci Orgs.

Every Other Tuesday 10-11 am MST - ‣ circle up. We’ll welcome new contributors, review the work being done, and coordinate meetings or tasks that need to happen to complete our goals.

Every Other Tuesday 10-11 MST - dMeter Town Hall Meeting (On Twitter Spaces) - We use our town hall meetings to welcome new contributors, members, and partners and introduce them to dMeter. Sometimes, we’ll invite a specific person or org to speak on a particular topic, host a collaborative workshop, or do a fun group exercise.

Stay Tuned on Our Twitter to stay up to date with our town halls.

Wednesday 10am MST - ‣ circle up. We’ll welcome new contributors, review the work being done, and coordinate meetings or tasks that need to happen to complete our goals.

Thursdays 12-12:30pm MST (Mountain Standard Time) - ‣ circle up. We’ll welcome new contributors, review the work being done, and coordinate meetings or tasks that need to happen to complete our goals.

Monthly (X) Time - Full Team Gathering